(1) Spoor (tracks) of unknown beast (roll again under animals or aberrations for exact type) (8) Elphan barrow mound w/ CR 6 spiked pit trap (DMG, p. (7) Ruined temple of 5d10 Ape-Man tribe sacrificing captives to "Quivering God" Ochre Jelly in giant pit (6) Half-sunken Viridian ship w/ 5d4 Brine Zombie crew (TH, pp. (5) Gargantuan dinosaur skeleton in ravine, partly buried (4) Fairy mound carpeted w/ unknown flowers, guarded by 2d6 Sprites (3) Remnant of Kelnorian bridge over ravine or stream (2) Confed giant stone bust, mossy and cracked, guarded by Ghost

(1) Abandoned and crumbling Avalonian castle, now inhabited by Phase Spiders (4) 2d6 Amaz War2 w/ big cats, from Silensian river fort (3509), hunting Sea, w/ 3d6 Skandik mercenary guards Barb1 (3) Merchant river galley from Damkina, heading for Uther Pent. (2) 2d4 Rgr3 on Pegasi from Oldenheim (2911), looking for horse thieves (1) Amaz War4 captain and 2d4 Amaz War2 from Norgood (4711), tracking a rampaging Bulette Then choose one of the specific encounters under the general category, or generate randomly. Northeast Elphand Lands/Deeprock Lake Area (1) Ghost of Altanian warrior from barrow mounds (3) 2d4 Ogres from caverns beneath Hetflas Dunes, drinking from wine bottles, boisterous, talkative (2) 2d6 Kobolds from Cloudwall Mts., City State 2333 worship fire god of Fiery Scarpe knowledgeable about Xathragot the dragon at 2334 (1) 2d8 Lice Itch Orcs from City State 3329 w/ white dots painted on their shields ambush PCs from the tall grass (2) Kemul the Ogre (CSIO #37) w/ his pack of worgs (1) Moontower, NG Cloud Giant from Cloudwall Mts., herding bison with a pine tree trunk (magical staff?) (1) Torun, Dunael N Rgr4 bounty hunter from 2903 Jarmoco, hunting bandits or smugglers, suspicious of the PCs (3) 2d6 dancing dervishes, Prophets of the Wastes, CN and crazy War1 w/ flails (2) 2d6 bandits Rog2 or Ftr2 working for slaver of Black Baron Pass, posing as pilgrims (1) 2d4 smugglers from 2902 Larissa's Lair, Rog2 or Rog2/Ftr1, edgy and paranoid, with some crates on a wagon (2) Brown Bear from 3402, lost and grumpy (1) 2d4 Titanotheres from 3304 with Stone Giant herdsman (2) Taki fem NE Halfling Rog7/Assas2 from Atwain, hunting the refugees (1) 3d6 frightened Halfling refugees Com1-3 from City State 2733 Atwain, led by Aster Buttermeg fem NG Sor3 (3) Griffon from Ered Losthain, hunting antelopes (but horses look tasty, too) (2) 2d4 Winged Apes from a mountain temple of Kuvartma at 2801, hunting for sacrifice victims (1) Dragon from City State 2334, scouting (2) Vestiges of Elder Alliance Sewer inside cave, covered by webs and dust, crumbling (1) Antique miniature (fey?) furniture, crystalized and petrified, under sand in large crater, guarded by Giant Skeleton (3) Mirror signal or smoke signal on distant mt. (2) Lightning Storm starts prairie fire near PCs (4) 2d4 Bard1-4 from 3308 South March Tower, traveling troop of entertainers, singing, juggling, etc. (2) Patrol from 3308 South March Tower: 3d8 mounted War1 and Ftr1/Bard2 (1) Overlord's cavalry patrol from 2704 Hamar Tower, led by Divon LE Ftr7/BlackGrd1 Daytime: Roll 1d10 to find a general category, then choose or randomly generate one of the options in that category.